304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

what’s the warterproof tarps and all kinds of usage

  • Waterproof tarps are made of material such as canvas or polyester coated with PVC.We also called pvc tarpaulin for the polyester coated with pvc . Canvas tarps are made of woven natural and synthetic fibers. They are widely used as awnings and other outdoor coverings. These tarps are used for waterproofing, outdoor coverings, trucking and insulation. Perforated PVC tarps are used in windy areas such as scaffolding at construction areas. They are perforated to reduce vulnerability to the wind. 
  • Waterproof tarps typically come in ready-made sizes. any size is also available.Tarps are measured by two different sizes–the cut size and the finished size. Shrinkage occurs during the manufacturing and the finished size may be up to 6 inches smaller than the cut size. Tarps often have grommets along their sides for attachment of ropes or ties. These grommets can be made of aluminum, stainless steel, steel, brass. Ome uv pvc tarps was used to prevent damage from sunlight.
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